Google Ads - Advertise In Google
Search engine marketing (PPC services) involves promoting websites by increasing their visibility in SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) through paid advertising. In the industry, Search Engine Marketing is also referred to as PPC services or paid search.
Majority of new visitors to your website will come through a search query. Lead generation can be easily achieved with PPC services from WebeCreator. Since the majority of the audience searches for products online, a Google Ads Agency can quickly help deliver optimum ROI. PPC services also help in :
Promoting your new products and services
Generating traffic to your website
Increasing brand awareness
Generating leads and sales
PPC campaigns that are well funded are likely to bring traffic to your website. Quality PPC services from WebeCreator can help you gain more market share and help you reach more than just your objectives.
Google Ads or Facebook Ads, which one is more relevant for your business ?
The key difference is user intent, and a Google Ads agency will tell you exactly which one will work for your business. Google users search for products and services, whereas Facebook users don’t. Targeting both sets of users are different. For Facebook, a PPC agency focuses the geographic, demographic and other parameters in the interest-based data of the users. Whereas targeting Google, PPC agency reaches the users by serving them relevant ads to your product/service, directly addressing the user’s search query.